The Five God-Kings of Web Design – 5 things you can do to make your website better
Long ago. Across the pixelated sands of digital time. The inter-webs was bestowed upon it’s millions of users and over a period it became an universally accepted medium for business, personal and more recently, social endeavors of all descriptions.
It’s potential has not yet been reached and standardization of key aspects is steadily falling into place, the web is still like the Australian outback, a dessert of digital signals, images, text, GUI’s, SEO and so much more. Millions of pockets of information, media, entertainment and the like, flood in torrents by the nano-second onto the digital platform of the web and users consume it at record-breaking rates on a plethora of desktop and mobile devices.
Of course in the vain of the actual world, the cyber-verse also has would-be kings staking their claims and leading the growing masses, turning to the internet for their needs down a false path. Though there has been many false monarchy throughout the ages. It is believed there was a race of god-kings who represented the key elements of a website and how it should be put together, how content should be presented and best practices for ease of presentation & use.
Okay, enough of the flowery final fantasy speak. I’m sure I have confused you immensely and you have my apologies in advance, lol.
In plain English, what we are about to reveal is a comprehensive list of the key elements you need to consider when managing and maintaining an online presence before, during and after your site goes live. Put together by IMDC (I’m Dean Carter)/ Concepx Studios and associates for you potential clients out there, who are ready to get your first online project designed and built, even for those who already have a site(s) and plan to redesign, add to or update the current design.
These, ladies and gentlemen, are the five true god-kings of web design & Development that will ensure your website is a fine tuned machine of content and usability.
I know you can do it. Read on!
- Content is KING – Content to a website is like the life blood of a living creature, it is vital that you produce, share/ re-share or circulate content that is reflective of your company or product(s) relevance to the subject matter. Not only that but your content should also have a narrative that is of the professional level you wish to convey and be personable at the same time. Talk to your users in their own tongue, so to speak.
- Usability (UX) is KING – If they can’t find it, then it doesn’t exist and if they can’t navigate to it, they’ll go elsewhere. I’m speaking of the User Experience (UX) of your online entity. You can add as much rich and dynamic content as you like on a regular schedule but if your users are unable to navigate to it via links, CTAs (Call to Action), and the site menus, then you have a huge problem that you should probably take a look at rectifying ASAP.
- SEO is KING –
- Branding is KING –
- YOU are KING – Why are you king? Without you none of this would be happening to begin with. Your idea/ product/ service has influenced and changed lives and will continue doing so in the future. You will be needed to continue that success in the coming years. You bring the spirit and the passion to your brand.